

Crash is a multiplayer game that uses a sha256 chain in combination with an undetermined client seed to fairly generate rounds.

Chain Generation

To generate the chain, we begin with securely randomized bytes. From there, we iterate 10 million times, feeding the

previous seed into a sha256 function. Double games read the chain in a reverse order.

The terminating/final seed of this chain is 492d10144035252745718fe4d2508affbea483872d88b86191b20ce0a7a8


Generating a hash

To achieve fair randomness, we create a sha256 hmac hash, created using the server seed as the secret and client seed

as the value.

The crash chain of 10 million sha256 hashes was generated on 2019-04-04 at 05:59 AM UTC. We decided to use

0000000000000000000415ebb64b0d51cceebb55826e438465bea777d91966, the hash of Bitcoin block 570132, mined

on 2019-04-04 06:35 AM UTC as the client seed for this chain.


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